
2024 Year in Review
The Year in Review is published annually by the Ontario Waterpower Association (OWA) and features updates from the Association and guest articles from OWA members regarding the latest innovations and advancements in the waterpower industry.

2025-2027 Strategic Plan - Accelerating Ontario's Electrification
The OWA's 2025-2027 Strategic Plan, "Accelerating Ontario’s Electrification" charts the direction the OWA will take over the next three years, highlights the strategic advantages of made-in-Ontario waterpower and the Association’s top 12 priorities focused on advocacy, strategic alliances, and community support.

Building on our Strengths
Ontario’s electricity system is undergoing a generational shift to meet decarbonization, electrification and economic development objectives. By some estimates, the province will have to double its installed capacity of 40,000 MW of electricity generation by 2050. Learn how waterpower can tackle this generational challenge.

2023 Year in Review- The OWA's Annual Publication
The Ontario Waterpower Association's annual Year in Review publication highlights the Association's advocacy efforts and showcases the success of our members.

Workforce Insights From Ontario's Waterpower Industry - Executive Summary
The Ontario Waterpower Association conducted a survey regarding the opportunities, challenges, dynamics and perceptions of Ontario’s waterpower industry workforce. The survey was completed by 79 participants ranging from students and recent graduates to seasoned professionals with over two decades of experience and employed in various fields within the waterpower sector.

Waterpower in Ontario - Public Opinion Polling Results
In February of 2022, the OWA commissioned public opinion polling which was conducted by Innovative Research. The results show that across the province Ontarians strongly support waterpower and that waterpower remains the most popular form of energy generation in Ontario with 90% saying they support it.

Socio-Economic Impacts of Annual Capital Investments in Ontario’s Existing Waterpower Facilities
In 2021, an OWA survey of its generator members forecasted that investment in existing waterpower facilities over the next five years (2021-2025) will top $2.4 billion dollars and contribution to the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) will top $600 million dollars. Additionally, the report concluded that the investments could create up to 5,000 jobs annually.

Evaluation and Assessment of Ontario’s Waterpower Potential
There remains a perception that ‘there are no waterpower opportunities’ remaining in the province of Ontario. Such statements are not accurate. In fact, this 2005 report, prepared by Hatch, identified 2000 potential waterpower sites.

Northern Hydro Report
In 2013, the OWA commissioned a study of northern hydro potential, the Northern Hydro Report. This study provides an objective evaluation of the costs and energy potential of Ontario’s waterpower situated in the Far North both to help inform the next procurement and policy decisions and to support key provincial socio-economic priorities in the north.

Economic Impact of Waterpower Projects on Crown Land Report
In 2012, the Ministry of Natural Resources, working with the OWA, commissioned a report to evaluate the economic impact of proposed waterpower projects that are on Crown lands. There were 41 waterpower projects totaling approximately 171 MW, that were proposed on Crown land.

Footprints to Follow
The Footprints to Follow publication is a catalog of Indigenous Community waterpower projects and highlights the successful partnerships of many Ontario Indigenous Communities.

Class EA for Waterpower Projects (Ninth Edition) May 2022
The Class Environmental Assessment for Waterpower Projects (Class EA) was approved in October 2008 as a planning process that allows proponents to assess the potential effects on the environment using the best available information in order to make an informed decision about how or whether a project should proceed.

BMP - Mitigation of Impacts of Waterpower Facility Construction
This guide was developed to provide practical and current best management practices that will assist proponents in determining how best to construct, rehabilitate or repair a waterpower facility in an environmentally responsible manner.

Species at Risk Best Management Practices
The OWA has developed three (3) best management practices designed to assist proponents and regulatory agencies address key issues pertaining to the American Eel, Channel Darter and Lake Sturgeon. The BMPs focuses specifically on the relationship between waterpower projects and the species and offers practical advice using science-based information. Copies of these BMPs can be ordered by emailing [email protected] . Costs vary.